Business Apps Apps
SearchSmart is your AI-powered research assistant, helping you find answers quickly and efficiently by leveraging real-time web searches. Ask any question, and receive insightful responses along with relevant sources to support your inquiries.
Created by: Maor Shlomo, a day ago
讗驻诇讬拽爪讬讛 诇谞讬讛讜诇 讞砖讘讜谞讬讜转 注讘讜专 讛讗专讙讜谉 砖诇讱. 谞讬讛讜诇 拽诇, 讞讻诐 讜讬注讬诇 砖诇 讞砖讘讜谞讬讜转 注诐 讗驻砖专讜讬讜转 谞讬转讜讞 讜讚讬讜讜讞.
Created by: Maor Shlomo, 4 days ago
A powerful app to manage, track, and organize all your business invoices effortlessly. Upload, preview, and categorize invoices while gaining valuable insights into your expenses.
Created by: Maor Shlomo, 4 days ago
A simple and intuitive chat app that allows you to connect with friends and colleagues in real-time. Enjoy smooth messaging, user-friendly design, and seamless communication.
Created by: ezat jhanu, 5 days ago
A simple and intuitive chat app that allows you to connect with friends and colleagues in real-time. Enjoy smooth messaging, user-friendly design, and seamless communication.
Created by: ezat jhanu, 5 days ago
A user-friendly tool for managing and tracking your business invoices, making it easier to stay organized and on top of your expenses.
Created by: Maor Shlomo, 6 days ago
Invoice Manager
A powerful app to manage and track your business invoices, enabling seamless uploads, data extraction, and analysis of expenses.
Created by: Maor Shlomo, 6 days ago
PhotoFlow CRM
A comprehensive CRM for photographers to manage client galleries, bookings, and business expansion through referral tracking. Features include photoshoot scheduling, file delivery, pricing packages, and reminders for seamless client interactions.
Created by: Maor Shlomo, 6 days ago
Invoice Extractor Pro
A user-friendly app to easily upload your invoices, automatically extract data, and export it to Excel for seamless financial management.
Created by: Maor Shlomo, 6 days ago
Invoice Insight
An easy-to-use app that allows users to upload invoices and automatically extract essential information, generating downloadable CSV files for seamless record-keeping and financial management.
Created by: Maor Shlomo, 7 days ago
Receipts Organizer
An intuitive app that allows users to easily upload receipts, automatically extract their data, and export it for organization and analysis. Perfect for tracking expenses with categories, notes, and convenient file management.
Created by: Maor Shlomo, 9 days ago
API Explorer
API Explorer is a powerful tool for developers to easily test and manage API endpoints. Create, save, and run customizable HTTP requests, view detailed responses, and streamline your API testing workflow.
Created by: Maor Shlomo, 12 days ago
Call Insight
Call Insight is a powerful app that enables sales professionals to upload their call recordings and receive AI-driven analysis and feedback on essential sales skills. Enhance your sales techniques by understanding the effectiveness of your opener, hook, and pitch, while tracking overall performance. Join now for personalized insights and improved sales outcomes!
Created by: Maor Shlomo, 12 days ago
CallAnalyzer is a powerful application for sales professionals to upload call recordings, analyze their performance, and gain actionable insights. With speaker separation and AI-driven analysis, users can improve their sales skills by understanding their strengths and areas for improvement. Premium subscribers can customize their analysis and integrate transcriptions with other tools, ensuring they maximize every sales opportunity.
Created by: Maor Shlomo, 12 days ago
Sales Call Analyzer
A powerful tool for analyzing cold call recordings. Automatically transcribe calls and assess sales rep performance based on key metrics like opener, hook, and pitch. Customize analyses and export results easily.
Created by: Maor Shlomo, 12 days ago
RealEstate CRM
A comprehensive CRM designed specifically for real estate agents. Manage property listings, track client interactions, set automatic reminders for viewings and contract renewals, integrate with property portals, and track commissions seamlessly. Gain valuable insights with a user-friendly dashboard and stay organized to maximize your success in the real estate market.
Created by: Maor Shlomo, 13 days ago
Lead Management System
A simple and efficient application to manage your leads, enabling you to track potential clients effortlessly. You can add, edit, and view leads with easy access to their contact information and status, ensuring better follow-ups and organization in your sales process.
Created by: Maor Shlomo, 14 days ago
讛爪注讜转 诪住诇讜诇 诇转讬讻讜谉 讬讗住讗
诪爪讙转 讗讬谞讟专讗拽讟讬讘讬转 讘注讘专讬转 诇讛爪讙转 讛爪注讜转 诇诪住诇讜诇讬 诇讬诪讜讚 讞讚砖讬诐 讘转讬讻讜谉 讬讗住状讗, 讛诪转诪拽讚转 讘讘讬谞讛 诪诇讗讻讜转讬转 讜讬讝诪讜转 讟讻谞讜诇讜讙讬转.
Created by: Maor Shlomo, 14 days ago
Social Media Post Generator
Create engaging social media posts effortlessly with customizable templates and trending hashtags. Generate tailored content for various platforms like Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Facebook. Choose from a selection of templates or craft your own unique posts, and let our tool suggest relevant hashtags to enhance your reach!
Created by: Maor Shlomo, 15 days ago
An application for uploading and processing employee documents (employment contracts and Form 101), extracting relevant information, and exporting to Excel.
Created by: Maor Shlomo, 22 days ago
A file management system that allows users to upload, organize, and share files.
Created by: Maor Shlomo, a month ago
诪注专讻转 谞讬讛讜诇 讬讚注 诇注住拽讬 诪讝讜谉 讛诪讗驻砖专转 谞讬讛讜诇 诪讜爪专讬诐, 谞讛诇讬诐 讜转驻注讜诇
Created by: Maor Shlomo, a month ago
An investment portfolio management application that helps users track their stock investments, analyze portfolio composition, and receive rebalancing recommendations.
Created by: Maor Shlomo, a month ago
An application for testing APIs using OpenAPI specifications. Users can configure API endpoints, set global headers, create test scenarios, and execute tests.
Created by: Maor Shlomo, a month ago
A simple application to query LLM models with prompts and display responses.
Created by: Maor Shlomo, a month ago
AI-powered writing assistant that helps improve writing with customizable suggestions for grammar, style, and clarity.
Created by: Maor Shlomo, a month ago
诪注专讻转 诇讞讬讘讜专 讘讬谉 讘讻讬专讬诐 讘转讞讜诐 诪注专讻讜转 诪讬讚注 讜讘讬讟讞讜谉 诪讬讚注, 讛诪讗驻砖专转 讛转讬讬注爪讜转, 砖讬转讜祝 讬讚注, 讜诪爪讬讗转 驻转专讜谞讜转 诪转讗讬诪讬诐
Created by: Maor Shlomo, a month ago
An application that analyzes GitHub repositories to discover SQS message patterns and allows sending custom messages to the discovered queues.
Created by: Maor Shlomo, a month ago
A studio for creating and refining AI signals that analyze company data and generate structured insights.
Created by: Maor Shlomo, a month ago
驻诇讟驻讜专诪讛 诇讞讬讘讜专 讜讬讬注讜抓 讘讬谉 诪谞讛诇讬 诪注专讻讜转 诪讬讚注 讜讘讻讬专讬诐 讘转讞讜诐 讗讘讟讞转 讛诪讬讚注 讜讛转讜讻谞讛
Created by: Maor Shlomo, a month ago
驻诇讟驻讜专诪讛 讛诪讞讘专转 讘讬谉 诪谞讛诇讬 诪注专讻讜转 诪讬讚注 讜讘讻讬专讬诐 讘转讞讜诐 讛-IT, 诪讗驻砖专转 讛转讬讬注爪讜转, 砖讬转讜祝 诪讬讚注 讜谞讬讛讜诇 讗讬专讜注讬诐
Created by: Maor Shlomo, a month ago
A tool for data engineers to create JSON parsers by visually mapping fields and defining transformations between source and target schemas
Created by: Maor Shlomo, a month ago
An application for transforming data between different JSON schemas using AI-generated code transformations.
Created by: Maor Shlomo, a month ago
A tool for data engineers to create JSON parsers by visually mapping fields and defining transformations between source and target schemas.
Created by: Maor Shlomo, a month ago
Parser Configuration Tool
A visual tool for data engineers to design and manage data transformations between different JSON schemas
Created by: Maor Shlomo, a month ago
A collaborative document management system that allows users to create, edit, and share documents with real-time collaboration features.
Created by: Maor Shlomo, a month ago
JSON Viewer
A web application for analyzing, formatting, and managing JSON data with features like syntax highlighting, validation, and snippet management.
Created by: Maor Shlomo, a month ago
Task Management App
A simple task management application where users can create, manage, and track their tasks.
Created by: Maor Shlomo, a month ago
A comprehensive project management platform designed for team collaboration and efficient task management.
Created by: Maor Shlomo, a month ago
TeamFlow is a comprehensive project management platform designed to enable teams to collaborate efficiently and manage projects effectively. It offers customizable dashboards, versatile task management, real-time team collaboration, powerful automation and reporting tools, and a user-friendly interface that supports teams of various sizes and industries.
Created by: Maor Shlomo, a month ago
A simple Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system that allows users to manage customers and their associated tasks, including file attachments for tasks.
Created by: Maor Shlomo, a month ago
Blog Manager
A blog management application that helps users manage multiple blogs, create content, and receive AI-powered writing assistance.
Created by: Maor Shlomo, a month ago
Vulcan Integrations Generator
An app that assists developers in generating new API integrations based on their existing examples. It leverages AI to combine integration patterns with online API documentation, ensuring consistency and efficiency across the codebase.
Created by: Maor Shlomo, a month ago
Israeli Nonprofits Analytics Dashboard
A comprehensive dashboard providing insights and analytics into the nonprofit sector in Israel, featuring interactive charts, financial analysis, and trend tracking.
Created by: Maor Shlomo, a month ago
Israeli Nonprofits Dashboard
A dashboard application for analyzing data of Israeli nonprofits, featuring interactive charts and visualizations on activity categories, geographic distribution, financial analysis, organization size, timeline of establishments, and compliance indicators. Supports data import via CSV and provides detailed analysis features such as financial trends, geographic heat maps, cause breakdowns, and compliance tracking. The interface is available in Hebrew and English, supporting RTL layout.
Created by: Maor Shlomo, a month ago
A responsive and modern dashboard application showcasing various business metrics through interactive charts. Users can view monthly revenue trends, product categories distribution, top selling products, and regional sales comparisons all in a single, visually appealing interface.
Created by: Maor Shlomo, a month ago
谞讬讛讜诇 驻专讜讬拽讟 讘谞讬讬讛 讘讬转讬
讗驻诇讬拽爪讬讛 诇谞讬讛讜诇 讜诪注拽讘 讗讞专讬 驻专讜讬拽讟 讛讘谞讬讬讛 讛讘讬转讬转, 讻讜诇诇 谞讬讛讜诇 诪砖讬诪讜转, 转拽爪讬讘, 拽讘诇谞讬诐 讜转讬注讜讚 讛驻注讬诇讜转.
Created by: Maor Shlomo, 2 months ago
URL Text Analyzer
A web application that analyzes text content from a provided URL for spelling and grammar errors, presenting the results in an organized and user-friendly manner.
Created by: Maor Shlomo, 2 months ago
Salesforce Lead Analyzer
A dashboard application that analyzes Salesforce leads and opportunities data to provide insights into lead source distribution and effectiveness. Users can import their Salesforce data, customize their dashboard with various widgets, and apply filters to gain a comprehensive understanding of their lead sources.
Created by: Maor Shlomo, 2 months ago
A customizable dashboard application that analyzes Salesforce leads and opportunities data, providing insights through various widgets and visualizations. Users can track lead sources, opportunity stages, and performance metrics through a personalized dashboard interface.
Created by: Maor Shlomo, 2 months ago
Salesforce Lead Analysis Dashboard
A dashboard application that integrates with Salesforce to visualize and analyze lead sources and opportunities. Users can customize the dashboard with various widgets to compare lead source performance, view conversion rates, opportunity values, and historical trends.
Created by: Maor Shlomo, 2 months ago
A web application that allows users to convert Markdown text to HTML with live preview and export options.
Created by: Maor Shlomo, 2 months ago
JSON Viewer and Formatter
A web-based application that allows users to easily view, format, and analyze JSON data. Users can paste or upload raw JSON, see it with syntax highlighting, explore nested structures through an interactive tree view, validate JSON syntax, and copy the formatted JSON for further use.
Created by: Maor Shlomo, 2 months ago
A CRM application tailored for visual artists to manage their artworks, exhibitions, and clients efficiently. It allows artists to track their art inventory, plan exhibitions, and maintain detailed client profiles, all through an intuitive and visually appealing interface.
Created by: Maor Shlomo, 2 months ago
API Tester
A tool to test API endpoints with customizable HTTP requests. Users can set headers, body, and query parameters, store test cases, and view response details like headers and status codes.
Created by: Maor Shlomo, 2 months ago
An app for artists to manage their artworks, track sales, and maintain client relationships, including exhibition and event tracking.
Created by: Maor Shlomo, 2 months ago
An app that connects pet owners with local dog walkers and pet sitters, providing scheduling tools, profile reviews, secure payment options, and seamless service bookings.
Created by: Maor Shlomo, 2 months ago
Tattoo Shop CRM
A comprehensive CRM system designed for tattoo shops to manage client information, schedule appointments, track tattoo designs, manage artists' portfolios, and send automated reminders and follow-up messages.
Created by: Maor Shlomo, 2 months ago
Todo List App
A simple todo list application that allows users to manage their tasks by categorizing them as work or personal, with daily email reminders for tasks due that day.
Created by: Maor Shlomo, 2 months ago
Database Chat
An intuitive web application that allows users to interact with their databases through an AI-powered chat interface, enabling natural language queries and displaying results seamlessly.
Created by: Maor Shlomo, 2 months ago
A simple and user-friendly todo list app that allows users to manage their tasks efficiently, categorized as Work or Personal, with daily email reminders for tasks due.
Created by: Maor Shlomo, 2 months ago
An app that allows users to upload documents and interactively ask questions about their content through a chat-like interface, utilizing AI to provide accurate and relevant answers based on the uploaded data.
Created by: Maor Shlomo, 2 months ago
InsightSeek is an AI-powered search engine that provides detailed, contextual responses to user queries by leveraging internet searches and advanced language models. It offers features like source citations, follow-up questions, interactive exploration, and personalized recommendations to enhance user experience and insight gathering.
Created by: Maor Shlomo, 2 months ago
MatchIT is a B2B platform that connects technology decision-makers like CISOs, CTOs, and IT managers for peer-to-peer consultations. The platform offers features such as user profiling, AI-powered matching, smart consultations via chat, meeting coordination with manufacturers, a point-based rewards system, subscription and billing management, and community knowledge sharing, all while ensuring data privacy and security.
Created by: Maor Shlomo, 2 months ago
A user-friendly todo list application to manage personal and work tasks, with daily email reminders for tasks due that day.
Created by: Maor Shlomo, 2 months ago
讗驻诇讬拽爪讬讛 诇谞讬讛讜诇 讜拽讘讬注转 转讜专讬诐 诇注住拽 讘讘谞讬讬转 爪讬驻讜专谞讬讬诐. 诪讗驻砖专转 诇诇拽讜讞讜转 诇专讗讜转 讝诪讬谞讜转, 诇讘讞讜专 砖讬专讜转讬诐 讜诇转讗诐 转讜专, 讜讘注诇 讛注住拽 诇谞讛诇 讗转 诇讜讞 讛讝诪谞讬诐 讜讛转讜专讬诐.
Created by: Maor Shlomo, 2 months ago
讗转专 砖讬讜讜拽讬 诇注住拽 讘砖驻讛 讛注讘专讬转 注诐 注讬爪讜讘 讗住转讟讬 讘爪讘注讬 转讻诇转, 讚祝 讘讬转 诪讜砖讱 注诐 诪讬讚注 注诇 讛注住拽, 讟讜驻住 讛专砖诪讛 诇诇拽讜讞讜转, 讗讝讜专 讗讬砖讬 诇诇拽讜讞讜转 专砖讜诪讬诐, 讙诇专讬讬转 转诪讜谞讜转 讗讜 诪讜爪专讬诐, 讜讚祝 讬爪讬专转 拽砖专. 讛讗转专 爪专讬讱 诇讛讬讜转 讬讚讬讚讜转讬 诇诪砖转诪砖, 诪讜转讗诐 诇诪讜讘讬讬诇, 讜诇住驻拽 讞讜讜讬讬转 诪砖转诪砖 讞诇拽讛 注诐 讛爪讙转 诪讬讚注 讘爪讜专讛 讘专讜专讛 讜诪讜砖讻转 转讜讱 砖诪讬专讛 注诇 爪讘注讬 讛诪讜转讙 诇讗讜专讱 讻诇 讛讗转专.
Created by: Maor Shlomo, 2 months ago
Receipt Manager
An application to manage receipts, allowing users to upload receipts, extract information such as business name, total amount, and date, save the original file, and display amounts before and after VAT. The application includes a main page with a form to upload receipts and a list of uploaded receipts.
Created by: Maor Shlomo, 2 months ago
A web application for connecting marketing service providers with clients.
Created by: Maor Shlomo, 2 months ago
谞讬讛讜诇 讛讜爪讗讜转 讘讬转 住驻专 诇诪拽注拽注讬诐
讗驻诇讬拽爪讬讛 诇谞讬讛讜诇 讛讜爪讗讜转 注住拽讬讜转 注讘讜专 讘讬转 住驻专 诇诪拽注拽注讬诐, 讛讻讜诇诇转 讛注诇讗转 讞砖讘讜谞讬讜转, 讝讬讛讜讬 讗讜讟讜诪讟讬 砖诇 驻专讟讬 讛讞砖讘讜谞讬转, 讛爪讙转 住讬讻讜诐 讘讟讘诇讛, 讛讝谞讛 讬讚谞讬转 砖诇 讛讜爪讗讜转 拽讘讜注讜转 讜住讬讻讜诐 讻讜诇诇 砖诇 讛讛讜爪讗讜转.
Created by: Maor Shlomo, 2 months ago
谞讬讛讜诇 讛讜爪讗讜转 诇讘讬转 住驻专 诇诪拽注拽注讬诐
讗驻诇讬拽爪讬讛 诇谞讬讛讜诇 讛讜爪讗讜转 注讘讜专 讘讬转 住驻专 诇诪拽注拽注讬诐, 讛诪讗驻砖专转 诇诪砖转诪砖讬诐 诇讛注诇讜转 讞砖讘讜谞讬讜转, 诇谞转讞 讗讜转谉, 诇讛讝讬谉 讛讜爪讗讜转 讬讚谞讬讜转 讜诇爪驻讜转 讘住讬讻讜诐 讻讜诇诇 砖诇 讛讛讜爪讗讜转.
Created by: Maor Shlomo, 2 months ago
Tattoo School Expense Manager
An expense management application tailored for a tattoo school, allowing multiple users to upload invoice images, automatically extract expense details, manually enter expenses, view and filter expenses, and see a summary of all expenses.
Created by: Maor Shlomo, 2 months ago
An AI-powered search engine that answers user questions with detailed, contextual responses sourced from the internet.
Created by: Maor Shlomo, 3 months ago
Tattoo Shop Lead Manager
A user-friendly lead management application for small tattoo shops to manage customer information, tattoo requests, and appointment scheduling.
Created by: Maor Shlomo, 3 months ago
谞讬讛讜诇 诇讬讚讬诐
讗驻诇讬拽爪讬讛 诇谞讬讛讜诇 诇讬讚讬诐 讘注讘专讬转 讛诪讗驻砖专转 谞讬讛讜诇 诪讬讚注 诪驻讜专讟 注诇 诇讬讚讬诐, 住讬讜讜讙 讜转讬讜讙, 诪注拽讘 讛讬住讟讜专讬讬转 转拽砖讜专转, 讬讬爪讜讗 谞转讜谞讬诐, 砖诇讬讞转 讗讬诪讬讬诇讬诐, 转诪讬讻讛 讘诪住驻专 诪砖转诪砖讬诐 注诐 讛专砖讗讜转 砖讜谞讜转, 讚砖讘讜专讚 诪住讻诐, 讜讞讬驻讜砖 讜住讬谞讜谉 诪转拽讚诐.
Created by: Maor Shlomo, 3 months ago
A Hebrew lead management system that allows users to manage, prioritize, and track leads efficiently with features including comprehensive lead information management, categorization, status tracking, note and call log additions, and detailed reporting.
Created by: Maor Shlomo, 3 months ago